On Radar: Vampire Weekend

These guys are fun -- They sound kinda like early Joe Jackson covering Diamonds on the Soles Their Shoes.
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If you have a few minutes the YouTubes below are entertaining. In them, Steve Poltz tells a great story about traveling in Mexico with Jewel, sings his song - You Were Meant For Me, and shares how The Office and American Idol made him some money.
As a someone who has not attended rock concerts for decades I am learning that there are some new rock concert audience protocols. One tradition that caught me by surprise was the Stage Rush.
About a million years ago when I attended Shadow Oaks Elementary School there was a two or three week period every spring when a yo yo fad would engulf the school. (There is an excellent Simpson episode on this phenomenon)
Not the best video in the world, but it's from Thursday night's BellyUp show. BTW I was sitting stage left out of the fray.
Apparently, Letterman is a huge RA fan, and it seems some of RA's better performances are on his show.
This play was all over the intertubes last week, but here's the play that beat mighty Milsap from a better angle.
I've listened to Polyphonics Spree's music, but I just haven't connected with it. Too much rainbows and puppies and not enough grit and grime. However, their live show, by all accounts, is something special, so I headed up Interstate 5 Thursday night. Destination: the BellyUp.