I'm pretty bad at the whole Christmas card slash family newsletter tradition. Most years I have good intentions, but by St Patrick's day I've realized that laziness and apathy have once again triumphed. Well, much to my surprise I was able to pound out a newsletter last night. Of course the question will be, will I get them printed, put in envelopes, and mailed?
Anyway, here's the electronic version:

I think the last time we published one of these things was during the Clinton administration. I’m a little rusty but here goes…
I’ll begin with the solemn. In February a year after being diagnosed with cancer my dad completed his journey. He died, as he lived, with quiet dignity. He is missed every day.
On to the joyous. 2006 had many highlights. Our major travel adventure was a trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico with a side trip to the little town of Xilitla to check out Edward James’s site Las Pozas – it was awesome.
Travel in 2006 also included the 5th annual Seamhead Tour (guys drinking beer, eating tube steaks, and going to ballgames). I just set the itinerary for our ‘07 trip (Minnesota, Miller Park, Wrigley, Comerica, the Jake, and PNC) on which I will meet my goal of attending games at all 30 ballparks. I’ll also be granted a life time membership in the Council of Baseball Nerds.
Ethel took the job this year of head counselor at an alternative high school that gives kids a last chance to graduate. The title of head counselor is bit misleading as she wears multiple hats. As far as I can tell the job entails being part principal, security officer, store proprietor, counselor, custodian, and chief bottle washer.
Annie graduated (in only 3.5 years!) this month from San Francisco State with a degree in graphics. She’s hip, happening, and already a working designer with a firm in The City.
David spent a significant part of the year recovering from shoulder surgery (an old baseball injury). He has recently started swinging a golf club, so I guess his recovery is almost complete. He is scheduled to graduate from SDSU in June with a BA in beer drinking with a minor in coed chasing (although it might be the other way around). He’s still working for the Padres. The pay sucks but he’s convinced a promotion to general manager is in the near future.
Carly, our only child who inherited the math gene, is considering a career in engineering. November was a bit stressful, but the college application process is now complete. (Last I heard UC Davis, Cal Poly Slo, Berkeley, and Northwestern were in the mix.) She’ll find out her future in March.
I’ve really been enjoying mid-life crisis. Not too long ago I realized that there is a lot of music being made today that could have been coming out of my stereo in 1973. So, once or twice a month I find myself in a local venue bobbing my head to live music. Concert highlights from this year include Ryan Adams (a couple times), M Ward, Amos Lee, and Joseph Arthur. If anybody’s interested, I have an extra ticket to My Morning Jacket on January 2.