Scent Weakly 2.0

Saturday, September 30, 2006

On Radar: Concerts

Joseph Arthur: Thursday, October 19 -- 10:30 PM House of Blues Fifth Avenue Sidestage
Joseph Arthur

Jackie Greene: Sunday, November 5 -- 8:00 PM BellyUp Tavern
Jackie Greene

The Lemonheads: Sunday, November 19 -- 8:00 PM BellyUp Tavern
The Lemonheads

Let's Go Padres!

For the first time in the team's history the Padres have made the playoffs for two consecutive years. And given the universal mediocrity of the teams in the National League, I have some hope they may some success beyond the three and a barbecue threshold of last year.

Just keep your fingers crossed that none of the Padres broke anything in the victory celebration.

Happy Birthday Redux

Since the birthday celebrations for Annie and David are lasting until sometime on Sunday, I don't consider this posting to be tardy.

Happy Birthday Kids!

Book Club

I just ordered these two books from Amazon. They'll be available for check-out when they arrive.


The tooth extraction and dental surgery went as tortuously as expected, but there are worse ways to spend an afternoon than being zonked on vicodin. The drug manufacturer does need to update their warning label. In addition to sleepiness and dizziness, finding clips of David Bowie singing songs about a little fat man insanely funny should be added to the list of side effects. I watched the video (immediately below) 43 times yesterday.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Gervais is the best, and this clip with David Bowie from his show Extras cracks me up.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

M Ward

It's late and a school night, but I just wanted to report that M Ward rocks live. Based on his albums (they're a little dull) I was a tad skeptical of what his show would be like, but it is very very good. Well worth the price of admission.

Good night, and happy birthday Annie and David.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I 'll Take American Idol

I know I've used some variation of the joke, "Given the choice of (a staff meeting or watching an early episode of American Idol or) and oral surgery, I'd pick oral surgery. Well now that I'm scheduled for oral surgery on Friday, I realize I am full of it. I positive that I'd much rather watch Amercan Idol at a staff meeting than undergo what is probably a violation of the Geneva Conventions. I'm just hoping the drugs will be good.

I'm headed to a M Ward concert tomorrow night and Thursday is David's birthday dinner and my tennis night. So, updates will be slow in coming.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Link of the Day

These guys are very clever, but they probably have too much time on their hands.

Stop Motion Vids

Video of the Day

Perhaps the greatest YouTube clip ever!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

On Radar

It was something of a revelation about 18 months ago when I saw Ryan Adams on Letterman and I realized that there were muscians under the age of 35 making some music I liked.

Here are a few on my radar:

M Ward

Ray Lamontagne

Jackie Greene

Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Rainbow

I know you've heard of what's supposed to be the uncanny mash-up of the movie The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, well here it is:

I'll let you decide the number of bong hits the viewer needs see the similarities.

Pic of the Day

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Cool Pic of RA

Just a cool pic of RA from a concert in England last weekend. More can be found here:

Cool RA Pics

Do I need this watch?

Probably not but it is kinda cool.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pic of the Day

Taking a Dump?

I'd say that winning the Nobel Peace Prize qualifies, but does taking a dump really fall in the realm of an experience beyond words?

Orange Orbs

Our family moved to California as a result of the Union Oil Company's acquisition of my dad's employer the Pure Oil Company. So, Union's iconic 76 ball has some special meaning to our family. Now, I hear that those rat bastards at Conoco-Phillips are phasing out the spherical service station signs.

Actually, I don't really care, but there are people that do.

Save the 76 Ball

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I Got Mine at Restoration Hardware

Despite my crush on everything BSG, The Office is still the best show on TV. Which brings up this question, How come my Gay-dar didn't come with that cool wand attachment?

Pic of the Day

Product of the Day

This might be an idea for the hip and happening. BetterWall sells authentic street banners from museums around the world. The kicker is that when you buy a banner from BetterWall a percentage of the proceeds goes back to the museum.

Better Wall

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pic of the Day

Product of the Day

Now this is a good idea. A rechargebable battery with a built in USB connection. When the charge runs out you flip open the connector and plug it into your computer. Unfortunately, it seems they are only available in England.

USB Batteries

Frak'n A

Frak Parties

BSG fever is sweeping the country. Where will you be on October the 6th?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Product of the Day


I'm not sure anybody who is reading this is in the need of business cards, but these cards printed by Moo seem to be the coolest ones ever. I have a Flickr Pro account if anyone wants to give them a try.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ancient History

A guy named Jimbo and yours truly in the Superstition Mountains circa 1975.

Christmas List

Unorthodox Taxidermy

If we had a fireplace, I'd want this hanging over it.

The Future of the Home Stereo


This thing is very pricey (the price for the starter set is $1000 + $10 a month for Rhapsody), but they got everything right. It's designed well and the set-up is seems to be a piece of cake. I think a lot of us will be listening to most of our music and watching a lot of our movies via a system similar to this in the very near future.

Proud Dad!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Link of the Day

The Generator Blog

Here's a blog that's worth a bookmark. It has dozens of links that generate everything from Academy Award acceptance speeches to Zombie Text and everything in between. I'm kinda parial to the Virtual Vomit Generator.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Educational Link of the Day

The Breathing Earth

OK kids, it's time for something interesting in an academic arena. Here's a site with a graphic representation of Earth's births, deaths, and CO2 emissions.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Here's a sign that times they are a changin'

Romero's original zombie movie, Night of the Living Dead, is now available on Google Video.

Fell out of copyright...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Link of the Day

Get a Meez

This site is a great time waster.

Finally, Somebody Agrees With Me

Usually, when I answer the question, "Chipotle, what's your favorite TV show?" with Battlestar Galactica, I'm ridiculed. Now that I can say that Rolling Stone Magazine agrees with me, I might get a little respect.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


So kids, what do you think? Microsoft has announced their version of the ipod. It's a 30GB player that comes in three colors - black, white, and brown - and plays back most major file formats. But what's interesting is that the the Zune has 802.11 networking built in and you can send a song to your friend for three days or three plays, which ever comes first. Based on what I know about the MySpacing and text-messaging generation, being able to zap a song to someone makes good sense.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutritional advocacy group, a 24 ounce Java Chip Frappuccino is equivalent in calories to a McDonald’s coffee plus 11 of their creamers and 29 packets of sugar.

Civil Disobedience

I love stories like these:

Story 1

A dude in LA gets upset about a poorly marked freeway intersection (Interstate 5 and the Pasadena Freeway), and does something about it. He makes a freeway marker and installs it himself. And of course this being 2006 he makes a movie about it posts it on YouTube.

Story 2

Paul Curtis an English graffiti artist has the local muckity mucks in a tizzy. Normally, I wouldn't have much sympathy for Mr. Cutis, except that his technique is quite unique. It seems that his creations emerge from cleaning dirty surfaces.

Cool Man

The Nano Commercial

You gotta give Apple credit, they have about the coolest commercials on the planet.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Link of the Day

Very Cool Pictures

I think this might be my new hobby, or maybe I'll have a contest for the best 1/2 money 1/2 face pic.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Field of Chronic

This one will only make sense to Nick Dog, Carly Dog, Liz Dog, and Trev Dog.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

MySpace the Movie

OK my young friends check this one out:

Video of the Day

I think it's safe to say that this guy's nickname is Lucky.

Link of the Day

Blog Musiq

Here's a very cool link for streaming music. I'm not sure it's legal, so when it is discovered it might not last long.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Time Machine

Nicky brought down some pickled beets that Jeff made this week. The instant I bit into one, the taste and smell transported me back in time about 46 years. I was instantly back in our kitchen in Ft. Worth looking into our old refrigerator at a mayonnaise jar full of pickled beets. The image was complete down to the linoleum of the floor and the empty milk bottle on the kitchen table. Curiously, I also had the desire to watch The Howdy Doody Show, but wondered if it was in hidef.

Maybe I Should Invite Tom Next Year

Tom Hanks

I'll probably let Opie come, too. But, Miller has to stay at home

Link of the Day

T-Lists T-Shirts

I think I just found where to do my Christmas shopping. All I need is your top five lists.

Genius at Work

Let me start off by saying that the Disney HOB sucks. The door and the bar near where we were standing were the sources of more than a few distractions. But, that being said, Mr. Adams was easily able to transcend the suckitude of place.

I was first attracted to RA by his songwriting that spans multiple genres. With his varied catalog of songs I was curious about what a RA show would be like. It turns out it’s everything and more. The show was part Dead jam, then morphed into classic country, took a turn to rock, morphed again into sensitive acoustic, and then pow it was off to grunge. RA is a great talent and as a performer, he is in his prime.

By the end of the night RA leaves you somewhat slackjawed by his ability to write, sing, and play in such a wide variety of styles. He also performed several songs that I had dismissed after listening to the studio versions and turned them into gems. The acoustic Magnolia Mountain and the electric I See Monsters being the prime examples.

I will say that playing such a wide variety of songs (brilliant as they were) did not raise the concert as a whole to a level of one of my all time favorites (The Who, Cat Stevens, Bruce, Simon and Garfunkle). I guess I would say that RA’s show lacked a thematic consistentcy to rank it in my all time favs.

The good news is that Annie (she’s flying down today), Eth, and I are going to see him tonight at the HOB in San Diego. And the good news is that Nicky and Carly assure me that this HOB does not suck.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ry Dog

I'm headed up the coast this evening to the Disney House of Blues with Nick dog, Carly dog, Liz dog, and Trev dog to see our man Ryan Aams. It's only rock 'n roll but I like it.....

Chip dog.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nice Pants

I will not make a wisecrack about Eth's sweatshirt. I will not make a wisecrack about Eth's sweatshirt. I will not make a wisecrack about Eth's sweatshirt. I will not make a wisecrack about Eth's sweatshirt.......

This Dude Is Crazy

Tennis tonight so there's not much time to post, so here's an amazing video of a guy doing some rock climbing.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Curly, Mo, and Larry

Not much I can say about this one.

Link of the Day

Jackson Pollock

This one is a complete waste of time, but curiously addicting

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back in the Day

Funny, as much time as Dwayne spent at our house I don't remember he and David getting much homework done.

Bookmark of the Day: Delicious


I use this one a lot. This site lets you create a personal web page that you fill with your favorite bookmarks. The result is that you can get to your bookmarks from any computer on the net. It's very easy to use and very useful, especially for those of us who don't carry their computers everywhere we go.

Not for the Squeamish!!

Video of the Day.

This one is kinda gross, but if you have a sick sense of humor it's pretty funny.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Cool Outfit

I'm a little (actually a lot) afraid to post this picture (there will probably be retribution). It is from one of our classic family stories. In deference to all involved, it's probably best I don't tell the story, but I guess I can give out a few key words: cruise, last night, over-zealous packing mom, dad's sleep t-shirt, and one very very angry nine year old daughter.

Borat the Movie

Da Ali G Show is sometimes difficult to watch, but often it's fall off the couch funny. Of all of Cohen's characters, Borat the reporter from Kazahkstan, is my favorite. He's got a movie coming out soon and the trailer is funnier than anything else out there.

Summer's Over

Now that the farm work is over it's time for Carly to head back to school. On the eve of our youngest heading off for her senior year of high school I've posted a picture of her first year kindergarten.

Get Human!

A source of great frustration and also one of the great ironies of our time is that despite (but probably because of) improvements in technology it is now almost impossible to talk to a real person at any large (or even small company). There is a glimmer of light. You may have heard of a database of phone numbers and tricks that you can use to talk to a real person. Well, here it is: Get Human The entire site is worth a couple of minutes of surfing around. The database is just part of a consumer movement against the insanity calling for customer service.

Power to the people!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


OK, I think this thing ready. I nooodled around and figured out how to add the link section, embed videos, and add badges (the Flickr doohickey on the left). So, now all I have to do is think of something to write about. Now, that might take awhile.

Have a great Labor Day!

Conan O'Brien 1864 Baseball

Conan is at his best when he films remotes.

Mad funny Conan.

The Return of Scent Weakly

Once upon a time I sent a semi-regular semi-funny newsletter via email to friends and family under the oh so clever title of Scent Weakly. Since the time that I got lazy and stopped sending (scenting) my weakly e-missives, the tools and capabllity of the internet have grown and matured exponetially. I've become kinda interested in the whole Web 2.0, MySpace, blogging, community building phenomenon that the internet has become. So, in order to learn a little something about internet publishing and to play with a few of the tools that support it, I've decided to re-launch a semi-regular and hopefully semi-funny forum.

Welcome to Scent Weakly 2.0