David and Bobby's Excellent Adventure: Munich

We arrived in Munich this morning for the final leg of our journey.
Vienna was nice, but we are churched and museumed out, so there wasn't a whole lot to do.
We spent most of the day yesterday lounging around and eating schnitzel. We also ran into a friendly face. Elana, one of the girls we stayed with in Florence, was in Vienna for the weekend, and was staying in our hostel. We hung out with her, went to our Chinese food hotspot for dinner, and had a couple beers while watching PTI and Around the Horn on ESPN! ) We also caught the tail end of a spring training game.
Today as we were checking out the hostel in Munich (it's the same hostel chain as the one we stayed in Vienna) the bartender asked us if we liked beer. Seeing as our puritan beliefs don't allow us to sip such blasphemous beverages, the answer was no. Not! Anyways, they have live music at the hostel bar on Saturdays and the band had just arrived. They needed help unloading the truck, so in exchange for our brute strength, we get a free pitcher when we go to the bar tonight. Munich is awesome!
Tonight we are trying to go to a soccer game, something I could care less about, but Bobby really wants to go. So, I'll make the sacrifice.
We also discovered that they have trains that go directly to the Frankfurt airport, so we reserved some seats. Our Thursday travel day should go smoothly.
'Til the next time,
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