David and Bobby's Excellent Adventure: Royale With Cheese

February 22, 2008
Royale Witth Cheese
I know what you're thinking, how could you eat at McDonalds while in one of the food capitals of the world. We simply had to pay homage to Pulp Fiction by ordering the royale with cheese. The burger was crap, but I think Vincent Vega would be proud.
Today has been rough. It all started last night. We were sitting at the bar looking for the Aussies, when Bobby went to the restroom. He returned with 2 very attractive ladies. It turns out that they are staying in our room and are on a short break from from their studies at Oxford. We ended up talking and drinking with them for the rest of the night and were the last people in the bar. I thought that was going to be it. But, we then hung out in the computer lounge and didn't get to bed until 4 am. This explains why I feel like crap today.
Today's agenda included The Louvre and Notre Dame. The church was interesting, and being the religious men we are we sat down and prayed for awhile. And of course, by pray I mean we were just trying to find the energy to walk over to The Louvre. They say it would take 3 months for you to see everything in the Louvre. Bobby and I did it in 2 hours. One thing I know for sure is that I would never enter that building with Annie because we would probably be in there for 6 hours. We made a bee line for the Mona Lisa and boy is it unspecial. Well we walked through the whole place, pretty much because we paid 9 euros. We can now check it off our list.
Tonight we will be hanging out with the roommates again, and tomorrow is the Arc de Triumphe and the free Montemarte tour which goes to the Sacre Couer, Moulin Rouge, and the cafe in Amelie.
Oh I forgot to mention that in Amsterdam we wasted 10 bucks on the Van Gogh museum. They have his big paintings right up front and have a whole floor dedicated to his scribbles. They looked like preschool drawings. To entertain ourselves Bobby and I tried to guess the name of his paintings. We usually got them right, because he named them things like Head of an Old Woman( there were 10 of these), and Man Farming. The place was crap.
OK I'm off.
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