Field Trip: San Francisco Day 1

I flew up to San Francisco on Tuesday on a nearly empty Virgin Airlines flight. With attendants dressed in black, the cabin bathed in pink lights, and an oh so hip color scheme the plane looked like a scenster night club. Although the 100 empty seats gave it the air of a club whose hipster clientele decided to do their clubbing down the street.
The flight was uneventful and I met up with Annie and Adrian at their new apartment in the Mission district of San Francisco. It's located above a Korean BBQ in a gentrifying neighborhood. The place is a big improvement over their previous digs and my parental side was happy to see a police station across the street. We made a video of the apartment which I posted on YouTube, only to realize after viewing that Annie had revealed a wee bit too much information about the apt's location. I have since taken it down.
The first item on my itinerary was to complete Annie's Xmas present - a trip to Ikea. We spent a hour or so across the bay in Emoryville buying urkenlivers, olovfundors, velovduls.
After hauling everything up to their third floor apartment (no elevator)we walked to Ike's Place for sandwiches. Wow! Next time you're in The City do yourself a favor and head over to Ike's for a Napoleon Complex sandwich on a Dutch crunch roll. Absolutely delicious. I ate the whole thing when half would have easily sufficed.
At this point all I wanted was a nap, so I headed to my deluxe accomodations and let the kids put the olovfundor together by themselves.
Ike's Place
The joys of parenthood. Nicely done.
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