Field Trip: The Hold Steady

I just returned from THS Casbah show. It's late so I'll make it short. Holy f bombin' shit. That is all (for now).
Bob Lefsetz wrote in his blog this week about concerts that transcend music:
I’ve been there, you’ve been there. Deep into the concert experience. When it’s no longer about stars on stage, but the music itself, how it makes you feel.
Music is a participatory sport. When done right, it’s not about watching, BUT BEING INVOLVED! That’s when you truly start to tingle. When the show is YOURS!
Lefetz could have been describing last night's Hold Steady concert.
Going in I knew this was going to be a great show after all THS is one the bands I'd follow around the country in a VW van if I could. But, last night was the perfect storm.
The Hold Steady is a great live band that plays with incredible energy and a joy that is truly infectious. The Casbah is a really small venue (a sign says it has a 132 person limit)so it was packed with passionate Hold Steady fans. Put those elements together and you get an experience that is far greater than the sum of its parts.
Best show of the year by far.
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