Scent Weakly 2.0

Sunday, October 01, 2006

World's Best Sandwich

... at least David and Nicky think so. Here's the recipe:


grilled chicken - I marinate it in Italian dressing
pita bread - I like the non-pocket flat bread style from the local Arabic market but any kind will do
red pepper hummus (Costco)
pepperjack cheese
grilled or sauteed red onion and bell pepper

1. Grill chicken and veggies (or saute)
2. Put a thin slice or two of pepperjack cheese on the pita and put under the boiler until the cheese melts.
3. Remove pita from broiler and smear with a generous tablespoon or two of the red pepper hummus
4. Add the chicken and veggies
5. Fold over like a taco and enjoy


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